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Feasibility study for cross-border intermodal routes completed

The feasibility study analyses the framework conditions in the cross-border region of North Hungary and the Kosice region (SK) in terms of multimodal transport and proposes measures within three cross-border multimodal corridors:

  1. the Slovak Karst/Aggtelek (Slovenský kras): Hrušov - Jablonov nad Turňou - Silická Jablonica (SK) / Szögliget- Bódvaszilas (HU)
  2. the Slanské Hills (Slanské vrchy): Slanec - Slánska Huta – Izra – Byšta and Skároš - Vyšná Myšľa (SK) /Pusztafalu - Fűzér (HU)
  3. Kosice (SK) - Miskolc (HU)
These intermodal cross-border routes primarily focus on interconnecting individual areas with the regional centre – the city of Kosice in case of the Slovak side of the territory and in case of the Hungarian area with the city of Miskolc by sustainable means of transport.

The routes will serve not only to tourists but needs of local people were also taken into account. Key recommendations for action plan developers and measures for small scale investments that are feasible in the short term in the frame of the ACCESS2MOUNTAIN project but also in the mid and long term beyond the project implementation were proposed.

The aim of the activity was to create favourable conditions for improving accessibility to the mountainous areas of the Slovak-Hungarian border by sustainable transport and promotion of environmentally friendly tourism.

Read more:
English version of the Slovakian part of the analysis
English summary of both studies

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